Wilmington Tooth Extractions

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Remove Problematic Teeth

Tooth Extractions in Wilmington

Though extractions can seem intimidating, Thrive Family Dental in Wilmington offers compassionate, comfortable care that will put you at ease in the dentist’s chair. Dr. Friberg uses advanced technology and extraction methods to ensure that your tooth removal is as painless and efficient as possible. Whether you have a damaged tooth or a problematic wisdom tooth that needs to be removed, you are in caring hands with Dr. Friberg. Contact our practice today

Wilmington, NC tooth extractions

Common Reasons for Extraction

The most common reason for tooth extractions is to remove wisdom teeth that are growing in improperly. The majority of adults choose to have their wisdom teeth removed when they erupt between the ages of 18-25. This is because most people do not have enough space in their mouths for the wisdom teeth to erupt properly without causing any damage to the surrounding teeth. Tooth extractions may also be required if a tooth is damaged by an injury or tooth decay and cannot be saved with a root canal.

Understanding The Extraction Process

The process of tooth extraction is relatively simple and only takes about five minutes per tooth. First, Dr. Friberg will clean and numb the treatment area. Specialized dental tools will be used to loosen the tooth in its socket and pull it out by the root. Then, the area will be cleaned, disinfected, and sutured shut. Your gums will be back to normal in about a week, and we will give you instructions to follow to ensure that your gums heal properly.

Tooth extractions in Wilmington, NC

When is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Wisdom teeth do not always need to be extracted. Some people have enough room in their mouths for them to grow in properly. However, if you do not have enough space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth, they may become “impacted” (this occurs when the tooth is unable to fully erupt from the gums). This can lead to pain, discomfort, and even tooth infection. If you notice issues like pain in the rear of your mouth, shifting of your teeth, or swelling around your molars, your wisdom teeth may require extraction. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Friberg to learn more, and see if you require a dental extraction in Wilmington and Porters Neck.

Will I Be in Pain After My Extraction?

During and immediately after your extraction, you won’t feel any pain due to the anesthesia used during the process of extracting your tooth. However, as this begins to wear off, you will likely start to experience some pain and discomfort.

The pain, bruising, and swelling of your tooth will usually peak and then begin to go away within about 1-3 days. The extraction site may feel very sore and tender during this time. This is normal. Your pain should mostly be gone within a week. 
If you are still experiencing a lot of pain after a week post-extraction, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with Dr. Ben Friberg. You may have developed “dry socket” due to dislodging your blood clot. You could also be experiencing other post-extraction complications.

What Can I Expect After My Extraction?

Once your tooth has been extracted, you’ll be sent home. You should not go back to work or do any kind of serious physical activity after your extraction. You will need to take it easy for the rest of the day, and you should limit your physical activity for the next 2-3 days.

Bleeding is normal. Change out your gauze dressings every 3-4 hours, or whenever they are soaked with blood. Keep your head elevated when lying down to avoid prolonging the bleeding. Bleeding will mostly stop within a day or so. 
If Dr. Friberg has given you a prescription for pain medication, you should fill it as soon as you can, and take it as directed. If not, you can take over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen to help with pain and inflammation. Icing the cheek near the extraction site can also help with pain and swelling.

You will need to take steps to avoid dislodging your blood clot for the first 24-48 hours after your extraction. The blood clot forms the structure upon which new gum and bone tissue will grow. Avoid spitting forcefully or using a straw for at least 2 days after your extraction.

It is important that you still brush your teeth normally, but you will want to avoid the extraction site. You can rinse with salt water to clean the extraction site, but remember to spit gently to avoid dislodging your blood clot.

You will need to eat soft foods for anywhere from 3-7 days. Eat mild foods and avoid spicy or extremely hot/cold foods. Things like soup, pudding, yogurt, smoothies, protein shakes, and other such soft/liquid foods are the best option. Within a week at most, you should be able to add solid foods back into your diet.

How Long Does It Take Tooth Extractions to Heal? 

Within a week, your tooth extraction site will no longer be excessively swollen or tender, and it may feel almost completely normal. Usually, you’ll need to come back to Thrive Family Dental at this time for a follow-up with He will examine your mouth and ensure it’s healing properly, and remove any sutures (if non-dissolving sutures were used). 

By 2 weeks after your extraction, new bone and gum tissue will have grown into the gap, and it will be completely healed. You should feel no pain or tenderness in the area. It may be time to discuss options for replacing your tooth with Dr. Friberg, such as a partial denture, a dental bridge, or a dental implant. This discussion will take place at our office located at 8115 Market Street, Suite 204, Wilmington, NC 28411.